Tag Archives: Towel Day

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie on my Lumia 1520 home screen (194 Tiles)

Every year on the 25th May is Towel Day. A day to celebrate Douglas Adams and the awesome story of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy which he left behind for all of us to enjoy.

I’m a huge fan of Hitchhiker’s Guide, and although I’ve seen both films and read the books…I loved the Garth Jennings film the most. Probably because of Sam Rockwell’s performance as Zaphod Beebelbrox.

That’s why I decided to pick the film as the focus for this home screen. So when I set off to pin the entire film on my home screen, two things happened:

    1. The Custom Tile Maker app stopped working at around 97 tiles down

    2. I figured rather show people the first 15min of the film…that way you could go and enjoy the whole thing at home the way it was meant to be seen!

Anyway, here’s the full high-res version of the entire screen, and below are a few highlights:

I’ve also created a Lumia 1520 and a Lumia 1020 Marvin wallpaper if you fancy joining the Towel Day celebrations this Sunday:

GIF courtesy of Plutorayz

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