Tag Archives: Hellboy

Hellboy home screen using transparent PNG images

There’s a guy on Reddit by the name of Madoxster, who created this transparent rocket ship blasting off into outer space on his Windows Phone, which looked pretty awesome.

So when Madoxster told me that he had just released an Alpha app on Windows Store called PinPNG, I was pretty damn excited 🙂

The app is still in the Alpha stage, so be prepared to do a little photoshopping. You’ll have to pick your image and decide how many tiles you want to use in order to create it (eg. 2 columns and 3 rows). Once you have that you’ll need to paste the picture into the FULL size canvas (ie. #coloumns X #rows) and then you’ll cut the bigger picture into small/medium/large tiles. Here’s a link to where you can find all the tile sizes to make your life a little easier.

Hopefully we’ll see future updates come out with simpler user options and easy customization, but for now, I’m just glad someone decided to stuff around with transparent PNG apps in their spare time 🙂

Anyway, here’s my first attempt at a completely transparent Windows Phone home screen using Hellboy and the newly released PinPNG app for Windows 8.1. In terms of artwork, the clean lines, colour and ability to stack multiple characters and scenes in one image make Mike Mignola my second favourite comic book artist after Todd Mcfarlane.

If you’d like to try it out yourself, I’ve uploaded all the original images here, and all the PNG images here.

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