Category Archives: Comics

Requested: Dota 2 home screen on my Lumia 1520

Right, a couple days ago I got a pretty fun request from a guy called Leaonardo..

My friend, your voice has been heard and I had a lot of fun putting this one together, particularly the contacts section 🙂 Hope you like it…

A link to some of the images I used and a few more brilliant fan-art pieces by ArtGerm who has some crazy talent.

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Gambit Home Screen on my Lumia 1520

Figured today I’d pay homage to my favourite X-men character growing up as a kid.

Between the fact that he was too cool for yellow jump-suits and his entertaining relationship with Rogue (which this Youtube clip sums up beautifully) Gambit was always the ‘cool’ X-men guy in my book…plus, finding a stick and a deck of cards around the house was always easier than sourcing knifes from my mom’s kitchen draw 😉

As usual, you can find all the images I used here.

Which was your favourite character?

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Spawn home screen on my Lumia 1520

Had a bit of a difficult time with this one. As you’ll see, the pics and Vine here look a little different.

I wanted to do Spawn justice, mainly because it was the first comic that really blew me away with its dark and detailed artwork.

So, as you can see by the pics, I’ve used the standard red colour scheme…no funny business with transparent Windows 8.1 backgrounds.

If you look at the Vine video, I tried using the same curtain background I did for Deadpool to see what it would look like.

Is it too busy? Is the simple red the best? I have no clue…both kinda work. Suppose that’s the beauty of having the freedom to play around with either.

Link to the images I used here.

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The Darkness start screen on my Lumia 1520

Marc Silvestri and Todd Macfarlane were my favourite comic book artists growing up. Figured I’d start the homage to both with The Darkness, but many more like Witchblade, Spawn and Fathom will hopefully make an appearance here soon.

You can find all the images I used here, and the app was Custom Tile Maker.

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Tank Girl tile theme on my Lumia 1520

I decided to play around with the ‘Light’ background option on the phone today. Figured it was time for a little punk and black & white artwork…so Tank Girl was an easy choice.

For this one, I’d definitely recommend checking out the Vine to see the full effect of the parallax background.

If you guys have any suggestions for what I should try out next, let me know?

As usual, all the images I used (and more) can be found here. App is Custom Tile Maker.

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Deadpool tile theme on my Lumia 1520

Figured I needed a red theme, Deadpool was the obvious choice 🙂

If you don’t keep it simple, the parallax Windows 8.1 background can make your start screen look like some kind of cheap banner ad. Not sure I’m ‘quite’ there yet, but I thought the red curtain added a level of fun and simplicity to it all. Either way, hope you enjoy 🙂

All the images I used can be found in the album here, and the app I used to create the Deadpool tiles was Custom Tile Maker.

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Batman tile theme on my Lumia 1520…with Windows 8.1

So today was my first attempt at stuffing around with Windows 8.1. What comic did I decide to go with? Batman, as only David Finch and Frank Miller could draw him 🙂

Saw a couple guys had the new 8.1 software, so I figured I’d try it out. Doesn’t look as good on static images, so I created a Vine which should show you how the parallax scroll and transparency effects work. Overall, I think it looks pretty slick.

For some reason I think the simple version actually works best in this particular case:

As always, if you want to check out the original images I used, just click here.

If you guys have any ideas about what I should do next, throw your suggestions in the box below.

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Swamp Thing Tile Theme on My Lumia 1520

So, my little sister thought she was pretty funny and asked if I could do a ‘pink’ theme. Well sis, eat your heart out 😉

Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing…maybe some of you remember the TV show.

As usual, if you guys wanna check out the images I used to create this home screen, hit the link for the full album.

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Zombo tile theme on my Lumia 1520

Right, so this one is a personal favourite 🙂

Zombo is a comic created by Henry Flint (artwork) and Al Ewing (writer). Besides being funny as hell at times the artwork can be brutal, I’d highly recommend checking it out.

If you fancy having a look at some of the original images I used, feel free to check out the album here. Again, pretty simple to do with Custom Tile Maker.

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Watchmen tile theme on my Lumia 1520

Any Watchmen fans out there? Well, me too 🙂

Figured my first post had to be the brilliant work of Alan Moore (more to come).

This particular set up took me about 3hrs in total…hard part was getting the right images and sizes, so, to make life a little easier for those of you who were thinking of doing this yourself. Here’s a link to an album I created with all the original images I used.

Pretty simple to do, only app I used was Custom Tile Maker.

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