Rafael Grampá inspired home screen

I stumbled across Rafael Grampá while reading this Best of the week in covers story on iFanboy, where Paul Montgomery beautifully summarizes my feelings towards him as an artist: “One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2013 is to get to write about the devastatingly talented Rafael Grampa far more often.”

Rafael Grampá is a Brazilian comic book artist who’s style I really enjoy. He’s taken a great approach to timeless characters like Wolverine and done a pretty good job of portraying them in a completely new way.

He’s even released a CGI animation called Dark Noir which you can check out below:

Anyway, a lot of the characters which feature on the home screen below are from his comic “Mesmo Delivery“. For this home screen I tried to use a pretty simple background, which you can’t quite see in the Vine due to the quality, but you can test it out yourself by downloading the background here. You’ll notice there’s a subtle graded effect which still allows for a bit of ‘motion’ while you scroll.

Image source can be found here

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